
Welcome to my world, my head, and my life. It's January 2nd 2010 and I am already a day behind on here, since I meant to start this yesterday. But so it goes...
   The past few weeks were wonderful and chaotic for me and mine. My first holiday season as a mama was very exciting. Thanksgiving and Christmas with Jay's family, followed by my and Dav's first flight as a duo with no Daddy J around to carry things and five days in my hometown with family and old friends. Good times. Dav cut her first tooth on the plane ride back and had her first taste of food not produced by my body yesterday. Scary stuff!
  This year will bring new joys and new challenges for me as I try to live in as green and natural way as possible on an extremely (ridiculously, suffocatingly tight) budget.  I'm still trying to figure out this parenting thing and this co-habitating, co-parenting, life-sharing thing as well. I seem to be much better at the first bit.
   Well, I am off to drink a lot of coffee and wash the diapers that I should have done last night. Good day and happy new year to you all!

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